The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility. Morgan Robertson. Видавнича група КМ-Букс

The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility. Morgan Robertson. Видавнича група КМ-Букс

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Код: 301021
Автор: Morgan Robertson
Издательство: КМ-Букс
ISBN: 978-966-948-364-5
Формат: 70х90/32
Количество страниц: 256
Язык издания: укр
Год издания: 2019
Обложка: мяка
The Wreck of the Titan. Or, Futility (originally called Futility) is an 1898 novella written by Morgan Robertson. The story features the fictional ocean liner Titan, which sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg. Titan and its sinking have been noted to be very similar to the real-life passenger ship RMS Titanic, which sank fourteen years later. Following the sinking of the Titanic, the novel was reissued with some changes, particularly in the ships gross tonnage. The first half of Futility introduces the hero John Rowland. Rowland is a disgraced former US Navy officer. Now an alcoholic fallen to the lowest levels of society, he has been dismissed from the Navy and works as a deckhand on the Titan. One April night the ship hits an iceberg, sinking somewhat before the halfway point of the novel.

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English. 2 клас : навч.посібник Collins Пайзі Д. English. 2 клас : навч.посібник Collins
Код: 220570
Изд-во: КМ-Букс
ISBN: 978-966-948-193-1
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