Understanding Indian Philosophy through Modern Science

Understanding Indian Philosophy through Modern Science

Товар закінчився
Код: 129981
Автор: Манодж Кумар Бхарті
Издательство: Наш формат
ISBN: 978-966-2502-15-2
Количество страниц: 80
Язык издания: анг
Год издания: 2018

Science aims to "know" the unknown. But is there a way to "see" the unknown? Extreme Deep Space Front cover background: Cluster of distant galaxies Images from the Hubble telescope This new finding has pushed the age of the universe even farther than the widely believed period of 13.7 billion years.

So, how old is the universe actually? What is the nature of the universe? What is life and what happens after death? Did the ancient Indian "seers" know answers to these questions? If they did, why did they not tell us? If they told us, why does it not make any sense?

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