The Gentle Grafter = Шляхетний шахрай. (American Library) (мг)

The Gentle Grafter = Шляхетний шахрай. (American Library) (мг)

Товар закінчився
Код: 91251
Автор: Henry O.
Видавництво: Знання Київ
ISBN: 978-617-07-0458-0
Формат: 70х90/32
Кількість сторінок: 191
Обкладинка: М'яка

"The Gentle Grafter" is one of the best collections of the stories by the well-known American writer O. Henry (1862—1910). The stories are united by the through characters — companions Jeff Peters and Andy Tucker. Both of them earn their living by small-time roguery, exploiting such human vices as meanness, cupidity, credulity, foolishness and vanity. The wonder of it is that the main heroes are also endowed with some positive features: the devotion to friendship, the ability to love, the observation of a peculiar code of honor. Sometimes they take the bait of the more crafty "colleagues" which endows the collection with special color. The stories are well written, filled with irony, humor, and hints; they thrill the reader and arouse bright feelings.

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Книги з категорії "Foreign Books"


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