White Fang / Біле ікло (English Library)

White Fang / Біле ікло (English Library)

Товар закінчився
Код: 68044
Автор: Лондон Дж.
Видавництво: Знання Київ
ISBN: 978-617-07-0240-1
Формат: 70х90/32
Кількість сторінок: 238
Обкладинка: Тверда

"White Fang" is a novel of the distinguished American writer Jack London (1876—1916) which belongs to the Northern cycle of his works. It is a story of the wolf, White Fang by name, in whose veins there runs the dog's blood. This circumstance makes his life impossible outside human society. In spite of the ferocity, meanness and treachery of the man, White Fang always remains faithful to him. The inner life of the animal, the motivation of his actions are described so pathetically as to move the reader to tears.

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Книги з категорії "Foreign Books"


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