Love on the Brain. Book 2
Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №2 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №3 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №4 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №5 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №6 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №7 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №8 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №9 Love on the Brain. Book 2. Зображення №10

Love on the Brain. Book 2

В наявності
В кошик
Код: 384144
Автор: Алі Гейзелвуд
Видавництво: Sphere
ISBN: 978-1-4087-2577-1
Формат: 130х200
Кількість сторінок: 368
Мова видання: анг
Рік видання: 2022
Обкладинка: м'яка
Папір: Офсетная

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis comes a new STEMinist rom-com in which a scientist is forced to work on a project with her nemesis - with explosive results.
Bee Koenigswasser lives by a simple code: What would Marie Curie do? If NASA offered her the lead on a neuroengineering project - a literal dream come true - Marie would accept without hesitation. Duh. But the mother of modern physics never had to co-lead with Levi Ward.
Sure, Levi is attractive in a tall, dark, and piercing-eyes kind of way. But Levi made his feelings toward Bee very clear in grad school - archenemies work best employed in their own galaxies far, far away.
But when her equipment starts to go missing and the staff ignore her, Bee could swear she sees Levi softening into an ally, backing her plays, seconding her ideas... devouring her with those eyes. The possibilities have all her neurons firing.
But when it comes time to actually make a move and put her heart on the line, there's only one question that matters: What will Bee Koenigswasser do?

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