COVID. 19 pandemics and its impact on Bulgarian universitiesin the context of the new challenges to. Venelin Terziev. Центр учбової літератури
COVID. 19 pandemics and its impact on Bulgarian universitiesin the context of the new challenges to. Venelin Terziev. Центр учбової літератури. Зображення №2 COVID. 19 pandemics and its impact on Bulgarian universitiesin the context of the new challenges to. Venelin Terziev. Центр учбової літератури. Зображення №3

COVID. 19 pandemics and its impact on Bulgarian universitiesin the context of the new challenges to. Venelin Terziev. Центр учбової літератури

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В кошик
Код: 316352
Автор: Venelin Terziev
Видавництво: Центр учбової літератури
ISBN: 978-611-012647-2
Кількість сторінок: 138
Рік видання: 2022
Обкладинка: мяка
The monograph addresses the changing social processes in the pandemic situation that has occurred around the world. The study presents analyses of the labour market situation in Bulgaria during the pandemic crisis and some solutions to new challenges to the higher education system. Special emphasis is put on the differentiated effect on higher education institutions, depending on the field in which universities carry out teaching and research activities, as well as on the peculiarities of the university business model in the changing environment for development of the higher education institutions. An attempt was made to analyze the emerging critical processes in the labour market, the prospects for action and the post-crisis measures, as well as to forecast the future actions.

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