WAR.ru (англійською)

WAR.ru (англійською)

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Код: 304716
Автор: Юрій Руденко
Видавництво: ДІПА
ISBN: 978-617-7606-54-2
Формат: 170x245x20 мм
Кількість сторінок: 308
Мова видання: анг
Рік видання: 2020
Обкладинка: тверда
WAR.ru is a documentary study of the first year of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Day after day, from the beginning of the annexation of Crimea (February 2014) to the finale of the Battle of Debaltseve (February 2015). All events have depicted in chronological order. The form of the text submission is the most concise and language accessible to the average reader. All the terms and postulates necessary for understanding the processes are interpreted in simple words. For better understanding the causes and preconditions of the war, the minimum necessary historical information and examples have been provided. All information is widely available in open sources and can be verified easily. All in-depth understanding of the course of a particular episode can be received if needed. The book has provided links to real video from the scene and some necessary maps and diagrams. It improves the understanding of the war events and creates a real presence effect.

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