Never Tickle a Tiger
Never Tickle a Tiger. Зображення №2

Never Tickle a Tiger

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В кошик
Код: 273626
Автор: Butchart, P.
Видавництво: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 978-1-4088-3904-1
Формат: 268х268 мм
Кількість сторінок: 32
Мова видання: анг
Рік видання: 2015
Обкладинка: м'яка

Pamela Butchart's first book, Yikes, Stinkysaurus!, was published by Bloomsbury in January 2014 and is the first in a brand-new and exciting picture book series. Pamela is the author of Baby Aliens Got My Teacher! (Nosy Crow). When she's not busy being an author, Pamela teaches Philosophy to students in Dundee.

Marc Boutavant is the illustrator behind the incredibly popular Mouk books (Tate Publishing) whose artwork is loved all over the world. Often described as the archetypal French man (even by French people), Marc's work springs from a wry observation of life. Marc lives and works in Paris, and this is his first book for Bloomsbury.

Izzy is always shuffling, jiggling, squirming and twitching. She just can't keep still!

So when Izzy's school go on a trip to the zoo, her teacher warns her to behave. She must never wriggle, she must never fidget and she must certainly NEVER TICKLE A TIGER!

But does Izzy listen? She does NOT - and what happens next throws the zoo into complete chaos.

With eye-catching illustrations by the internationally acclaimed bestselling illustrator, Marc Boutavant, Never Tickle a Tiger will amaze and delight children and parents alike! It includes a spectacular double gatefold for the grand chaotic reveal.

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