Wuthering Heights / Буремний перевал (English Library)

Wuthering Heights / Буремний перевал (English Library)

В наявності
В кошик
Код: 122987
Автор: Bronte E.
Видавництво: Знання Київ
ISBN: 978-617-07-0574-7
Формат: 70х90/32
Кількість сторінок: 414
Мова видання: анг
Обкладинка: Тверда

"Wuthering Heights" is the only novel by the well-known English writer Emily Bronte (1818—1848) written at the age of 29, which forever went down in a treasure-house of the world literature. It was more than once screened and included to almost all the lists of the best and recommended books. The history of life and love of Heathcliff and Catherine — strong in spirit and emotional personalities, capable of decisive deeds — fascinates and astonishes with a burst of passions. Nevertheless, unforgettable impressions and happy end are awaiting for the reader stirred up by the wuthering events.

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