Приборкання норовливої; Два веронці
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Автор: Шекспір В.
Видавництво: Знання Київ
ISBN: 978-617-07-0790-1
Формат: 84х108/32
Кількість сторінок: 223
Мова видання: укр
Обкладинка: Тверда
Автор: Шекспір В.
Видавництво: Знання Київ
ISBN: 978-617-07-0790-1
Формат: 84х108/32
Кількість сторінок: 223
Мова видання: укр
Обкладинка: Тверда
This teaching device contains three types of the tests. The first group includes those ones which allow to determine the level of mastering the vocabulary most widely used by the native speakers of Great Britain and the USA. The second group comprises less commonly used vocabulary which may gain attention of those students for whom accumulating the stock of vocabulary is a kind of hobby as well as those ones who is going to take the Cambridge Proficiency in English Examination. The tests which have been included into the third group contain specialized vocabulary of different fields of activities and branches of learning. For intermediate and advanced students of English.
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